Investing · December 26, 2021Looking Back at my 1st Year Trading Stocks – What a Humbling ExperienceTo say that my year was TERRIBLE would be an understatement. I did everything wrong, made the same mistakes over and over and well… pretty…
Investing · June 09, 2021My progress, thoughts and reflections after 6 months of trading stocks.Wow… it has already been half a year since I first started trading stocks! Part of me isn’t sure if I’m any better off than if I didn’t…
Investing · May 31, 2021How I came up with my massive type C goals, and did I achieve them?A couple years back, I watched a very interesting video on YouTube about the subject of goals. I believe it was forwarded to me from my…
Investing · February 28, 2021Investing - A reflection at the end of my first 3 months of trading stocksOh boy… this was an interesting quarter! After suffering a few setbacks in my first month trading stocks, things had turned around for me in…
Investing · December 27, 2020Investing - The Lessons I Learned in my First Month Trading StocksImagine that you were a kid again, standing outside of your house. As you’re standing there, you looked up at your house and truly believed…